
If you're here, then you probably created something so good that people want to steal it. 😎

But seriously, that sucks. So we're building some tools to help.

And much more.

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There must be an @ at the beginning.
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Why do people hire us?

  • Privacy shielded

    Our agents send legal notices signed with their own names to keep your private information private.

  • Liability limited

    Sending your own DMCA notices leaves you vulnerable to lawsuits, damages, perjury charges, and more.

  • Effort saved

    Even if you wanted to do it all yourself, despite the risks and pitfalls—you probably don't have time.

👈 For pricing.

Choose between monthly or a one-time thing

Fast, simple, effective, clear.

  • Emoji icon 1f680.svg

    Search Engine Scrubber

    Remove unauthorized content from popular search engines. Up to 100 links taken down, guaranteed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the Knowledge Base for detailed help articles.