Fast and effective content takedown services

Simple and efficient removal of your leaked content, fake accounts, copyright violations, and more. Hand-crafted DMCA notices to protect you from liability and safeguard your personal information.

Guard Your Content Globally

  • >99% takedown notice success rate
  • 8 years in business
  • Serving solo creators, major producers, and everyone else

We safeguard your content so you can keep doing what you do best: making stuff that’s so good, people want to steal it. 😎

Why would you want us to represent you?


  • Privacy shielded

    Our agents send legal notices signed with their own names to keep your private information private.

  • Liability limited

    Sending your own DMCA notices leaves you vulnerable to lawsuits, damages, perjury charges, and more.

  • Effort saved

    Even if you wanted to do it all yourself, despite the risks and pitfalls—you probably don't have time.

Ready to make it easy?

Flexible, realistic plans. Thoughtful, tailored strategies. Fast, simple, effective, clear.

  • Unlimited Plan

    Take back your privacy, income, time, & peace of mind

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the Knowledge Base for detailed help articles.